Soil composition is complex and differs from region to region, but generally healthy soil requires the following: Balance of moisture, gases, minerals, organic matter and microorganisms.
All fertilizer products can be sold in any amounts from bulk to bagged, 1kg to1T bagged - Bagging comes with an additional cost.
Sale price: $775/T
This blend is developed specifically for East Coast soils. Active fungal species, trace minerals and silica make up this blend, perfect for returning your soil to its biological form.
It is great for any are od soil, from gardens to paddocks.
Developed by Ewan Campbell.
Reccomended spread rate: 1T/ha
Restore your soils energy with this eblivening mix.
Made with a blend of minerals and activated with microbes, this mix works to nourish your soil back to health.
Watch your blooms flourish and thrive.
This blend offers minerals activated with microbes that work to feed your soil the nutrients it needs to regenerate and cultivate healthy plant life.
Sale price: $86.17 - 20L
Fish It is a soil bio-stimulant developed using a biological process known as hydrolysis.
With the addition of enzymes in the production process, the whole fish is dissolved into 20 amino acids which are essential building blocks of life – for soil, plants, animals, and humans.
Uses determined by area & desired effect, i.e. Dairy, crop, animal.
Sale price: $786/T
Reactive Phosphate Rock.
This is a slow-release phosphate fertilizer. It is less prone to run-off and leaching than other fertilizers. It is high in calcium, providing a minor liming effect.
Spread rate: 65-100kg/h.
Sale price: $262.99/T
Dolomite has a consistently low moisture & high neutralizing value of 90-91%.
It is high in calcium & magnesium which neutralizes soil acidity and raises ph, improves texture by loosening clay particles, granulates sand and assists bacteria in transforming nitrogen into useable forms.
We can provide an analysis if you are interested.
BioGro certified.
Spread rate: 100-300kg/h.
Sale price: $88/T.
Our Lime is high quality - 96.3% calcium lime,
Ag Lime has a consistently low moisture & high neutralizing value of 90-91%. It neutralizes soil acidity and raises ph, improves texture by loosening clay particles, granulates sand and assists bacteria in transforming nitrogen into useable forms.
We can provide an analysis if you are interested.
Biogro certified.
Spread rate: dependant on soil needs. Generally 2T/h.
Tailored Energy Solutions can custom blend fertilisers, any size, from 50kg-500T. Tailored to your needs.
Sale price: Humate is a pure form of organic matter. It is a naturally occurring mixture of partially decayed carbon-rich plant residues that have been compressed & preserved over the ages. High in carbon, minerals & trace elements. They also contain powerful bioactive acids: Humic acid & Fulvic acid.
Sale price: $15 - 2kg bag.
Mineral Fulvic Acid Flakes are 100% water soluable. They contain 70% Fulvic Acid & 10% Humic Acid.
Increases nutrient uptake, plant respiration, crop tiled & quality., Increases effectiveness of fungicide & herbicides.
Sale price: $360/T.
Biochar is the future of healthy soil!
Biochar is an organic carbon product made through the process of Pyrolysis, burning the toxins out of woody material.
Biochar is very porous, leaving room for microbes, your underground lifestock, a housing to grow & thrive.
Biochar helps to retain water, holds microbes & nutrients to improves your soil quality overall, leading to better plant growth!!
Sale price: $300/T
Mixture of base & trace element fertilizers.
Sale price: $685/T.
Mag 2000 (Magnesium Carbonate) is used in the tightening of soil.
At the correct levels it will provide optimum pore spacing,allowing soil biology to thrive.
Spread rate: 20-100kg/h.
Sale price: $955/T
This is a specialty blend made by us on site.
It is an organic blend aimed at fruit & vegetable crops.
It contains microbes & all the minerals your soil needs to help your plant thrive.
Spread rate: 500kg/h.
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